Who was Jaxon?
Jaxon Kent Logan. Who am I? Well there are several obvious things about who I am, such as; I am the youngest of four children. I have two dogs, two birds and a cat named frosty. I have lived in Palmer all of my life - even being born at Valley Hospital. Now, these are the boring facts, but who really cares, I want to tell you who I really am.
First of all, let me share what I like. I started skating at age four around our family ice rink, holding onto the back of a chair. That was the beginning of a love affair with hockey. I have been skating for over 12 years and have played hockey for 9 years. I love the sport because it requires coordination, skill and discipline. It has been a family tradition starting with my dad playing hockey in school, followed by my older brother Dustin playing for Palmer High School and now I trail in their footsteps. I started snowboarding three years ago. I love being outdoors and I love the snow. It is my source of entertainment, which brings me to my favorite activity - snowmobiling. If I am not going 100 miles an hour then I am just not happy. I spend a lot of winter days on my sled. It is a time to be with friends and with my family. It is also a time to be alone. I can get on my sled and just go. I can forget any troubles I may be having. It is my way of releasing stress. Even during the summer months, I can be found sitting on my snow machine dreaming of the winter days past and those to come. In the land of the midnight sun, I fill the long days with fishing and hunting. I started fishing when I was old enough of hold a pole. My dad would strap me to the back of the truck and I would fish with him until I caught my limit. To this day, my dad and I are still great at getting up at 4:00am to slay the Silvers.
I am glad I live in Alaska; it gives me the chance to have fun things to do because one thing I do not like is to be bored. I like being busy. I hate the feeling of not having something to do. It gives me a feeling of being worthless. I wonder why I am sitting at home when all my friends are out having fun. I like to be involved and doing something worthwhile. I also do not like zucchini. No matter how my mom tries to disguise it, zucchini bread, zucchini soup, zucchini in stir fry, it all tastes the same - like zucchini. And I do not like zucchini - any way!
So far I have shared what I like and what I do not like. However, to find out who I really am, one would have to understand my beliefs, because my life to this point has been strongly shaped by those principles. I believe it is important to stand for something. The standards I have chosen to follow give me a guideline for my life. I have decided to stay away from drugs or drinking alcohol. I want to be honest when dealing with other people. I think it is important to be kind and to treat other with respect, especially with girls. A lot of my friends, who are girls, appreciate the way I treat them. I don't say inappropriate comments to get a laugh from my buddies. I would rather have the respect from the girls anyway. I even open the car door for my mom. I believe in the principles of strong families and good marriages. These lessons were taught to me by my parents. I also believe that it is important to have a spiritual side. My parents taught me about prayer and religion. Through my own personal study and prayer I have come to find out the truth of these things for myself. The things I have learned will be the foundation for the rest of my life and my family's life to come.
My likes and dislikes an my beliefs and behaviors have created me. I am Jaxon Kent Logan.
Written by Jaxon - 2002
Terri BakerMarch 10, 2009
How did you know Jaxon?
I know Jaxon parents.
I enjoy coming and reading the messages people leave for Jaxon, especially Darcy and Mikes, I hope they will help me deal with my loss also. They are so positive and remind me that we will be together someday sooner than we know.
MollyJo February 27, 2009
How did you know Jaxon?
sister in-law
Hey Jaxon, just thinking of you. We all realy miss you. everything is going great, school is amazing. Just checking in to say hi. Love ya, Rock on! :)
Jeff SmithFebruary 18, 2009
How did you know Jaxon?
I didn't know your Jaxon
My name is Jeff Smith I am a father of 5 children.I am also a Husband.My wife and I were lucky enough to have our 5th child 03-04-05,We named him Jaxon Dennis Smith.
We actually couldn't come up with a name for our son and my then 5 yr. old son said I want to name him Jaxon and it stuck.
Jaxon used to be the name of his "imaginary friend".
We decided to spell it with an xon as to be different than any other spelling and we thought it was pretty original. so to find out that someone else thought of it as well pleases me.
We are extremely blessed and proud of our children.We want to express our deepest sympathy's for jaxon's family.
It seems like Jaxon has touched alot of people's life and was a very good son.
May God bless you,and have a great day,
Jeff & Angela Smith
Cadillac, Michigan
darcyFebruary 15, 2009
How did you know Jaxon?
Hey Jaxon - just thinking about you and missing you. I love to come here and look at your pictures, read your "Who am I," and just think about my boy. I know you are doing fine - probably better than fine....but just sometimes, I wish you were still here. I guess tonight is one of those times. Love mom
BrittanyFebruary 7, 2009
How did you know Jaxon?
As i prepare for my talk tomorrow on charity, you continually come to mind. As i read through scriptures and talks, i am reminded of your charitable character and the way you just exude kindness and love. I love you
MichaelFebruary 6, 2009
How did you know Jaxon?
Well son, tonight we are attending a BYU/Northern Colorado hockey game in Greeley. We will take your spirit with us. I hope BYU can repeat the final score of your last game. You will be with us as we root for the visiting BYU players. Kenny and his soon to be bride, Amanda will be there with us. They attended a NHL game at the Pepsi Center with us last night as we watched the AVS beat Dallas 3 to 2. We still love hockey as we know you do. I look forward to the day we can be together again.
AlinaJanuary 28, 2009
How did you know Jaxon?
You have been on my mind a lot lately. I miss you tons, you were the bestest buddy anybody could ever ask for. Love you!:)
CortneyJanuary 21, 2009
How did you know Jaxon?
Love you buddy.
jskeJanuary 21, 2009
How did you know Jaxon?
best friend
love ya bro rock on !!!!!
LisaJanuary 21, 2009
How did you know Jaxon?
lots of ways
Jaxon, there are songs that I listen to still today and everyday that will always remind me of you. I think of you and your family so often.
SaraJanuary 21, 2009
How did you know Jaxon?
There are so many things I could say, yet I know that you understand the feelings of my heart. Thanks for everything buddy... Rock on.
DarcyJanuary 21, 2009
How did you know Jaxon?
There will be two days that I will never forget - this one- the day you left and May 14th - the day you arrived. Time goes so quickly, yet, in terms of my heart - it is like yesterday. You are in the minds and hearts of a lot of people today and tremendously missed; yet, we are grateful for lives changed because of your influence. We love you Jaxon. Mom
MeganJanuary 21, 2009
How did you know Jaxon?
Hey Jax,
Just wanted to let you know that we're thinking about you today. Thanks for being a great friend to us the short time that we knew you.
Nate and Meg
BrittanyJanuary 21, 2009
How did you know Jaxon?
You had and still have such an amazing impact on all of our lives. I love you and miss you.
maryJanuary 20, 2009
How did you know Jaxon?
kenny's mom
Jaxon, you are always in our thoughts, especially today!
SaraJanuary 17, 2009
How did you know Jaxon?
Hey Jax, I've been thinking about you a lot today. I love my job, it gives me the opportunity to take care of great athletes... like yourself. I grow to care for each of them, but when one gets hurt that love seems to grow exponentially - just like it did with you. I think of you often, especially on a day like today. Love you buddy...
CortneyJanuary 11, 2009
How did you know Jaxon?
Big Sister
Hey Jax,
It was fun having the whole family together at Christmas this year, although sitting between Dustin and Chauri on the couch I did feel that void that Mom had mentioned. I can't think of a time when the 3 of us have stood together for a picture that I don't look around to see who is missing. I can't wait for the day when we can all be back together again. I love you!
Darcy LoganJanuary 6, 2009
How did you know Jaxon?
Thanks April for your comments - you captured the love of hockey that both Jaxon and Josh shared. I think of your family also. I remember when we received the news about Josh's accident. I remember crying because I felt so sad for your family. Now both families share a common bond - boys and hockey. Thanks again. Darcy
April Fuchs-SmithJanuary 5, 2009
How did you know Jaxon?
I wrote this in memory of my little brother Josh Fuchs, who also played hockey at Palmer High. It seems like Josh & Jaxon shared the same love of hockey, and zest for life. We think of your family often.
All I Ever Needed to Know -
I Learned Playing Hockey.
It is good to start the day doing something you love.
To take your best shot, keep your eyes on the goal.
You can get ahead even when you are short-handed.
Team leaders are chosen, not appointed.
Get too far ahead of yourself, and you will be caught offsides.
Mismatched socks build character.
It takes losing a few to appreciate winning.
Girls can play too.
Nobody wins a championship on their own.
Playing dirty only leads to a locked box.
Those who love you are your most loyal (and loudest) fans.
Darcy LoganDecember 30, 2008
How did you know Jaxon?
Hey Jaxon - You are thought of often ~ I still feel the heart strings a little pulled when I have all of my children around me and feel a definite void where you would be standing. Some how though I know your brother and sisters always think about you standing there with them. I think we all feel your presence in those special moments. Your legacy continues. Hope your Christmas day was wonderful. Because of that wonderful birth of the Savior ~ we have hope that we will be together again. I know it is true. Merry Christmas Jaxon. Love mom
SaraDecember 29, 2008
How did you know Jaxon?
I'm sure you laughed with us today as we trudged out through the snow in our skirts to come give you kisses. I love being up here, being around your wonderful family and feeling all the love that ABOUNDS in this home. Your presence is strong here. Know that you are loved and thought about often... Thanks for everything.
jacobDecember 19, 2008
How did you know Jaxon?
i remember you walking into my house un announced 4 years ago. you had just got home for christmas. you had cortney drop you off at my place on your way home from the airport. i took you home were you mom had just decorated the whole house. you looked at me and gave me a little push and i returned the favor. we proceeded to wrestle thoughout the house knocking stuff over. all over the house. then spending a good amount of time fixing everything so it looked like nothing happeneds. remember the good times love ya bro
DarcyDecember 14, 2008
How did you know Jaxon?
Everyone is coming home for Christmas. I remember 4 years ago - when you were all coming home. Your dad and I spent hours and days remodeling the downstairs, so it would be ready. I put little Christmas trees in every room. I remember you told me that I had a Christmas addiction, but you were glad I did, because you liked how the house looked at Christmas. It is hard to do any of this, without thinking of you son - sometimes it comes with a smile and sometimes with tears. I listened to a song written by Hilary Weeks that so much captured my thoughts and feelings. I would like to share the words because maybe someone else reading this will feel the same way.
"I believe that everything happens for reason,
We're not just tossed by the wind or left in the hands of fare
But sometimes life sends a storm that's unexpected,
And we're forced to face our deepest pain,
When I feel the heartache begin to pull me under,
I dig my heels in deep and I fight to keep my ground
Still at times the hurt inside grows stronger,
And there's nothing I can do but let it out....
Just let me cry
I know it's hard to see
But the pain I feel
Isn't going away today
Just let me cry
Till every tear has fallen
Don't ask when and don't ask why
Just let me cry
When I agreed that God could put this heart inside me,
I understood that there would be a chance that it would break,
But I know He knows exactly how I'm feeling
And I know in time He'll take the pain away
But for now....just let me cry.
I have felt joy the kind that makes my heart want to sing,
And so my tears are not a surrender
I'll feel that way again
But for now,
For this moment,
just let me cry.
I believe that everything happens for a reason.
So son, the tears still come but there is joy also. Thanks for both, because I have learned from each of them. I love you. Mom
LizDecember 3, 2008
How did you know Jaxon?
It's been a while since I've said hi, but I was thinking about you and the fun times we had. I was thinking about the night you made the hockey team and you called me late just to tell me you made the team. Well I miss you. Love ya, Liz
SaraDecember 1, 2008
How did you know Jaxon?
Hey Buddy, just wanted to say hi. I've been thinking about you. Love ya, Sara
DarcyNovember 27, 2008
How did you know Jaxon?
Just thinking of you and so grateful you are my son and I am your mom. Hope your day was wonderful. Love and kisses ~ mom
sydney marie congdon-sundNovember 27, 2008
How did you know Jaxon?
Happy Thanksgiving buddy! I love you so much..thinkin of you all the time
MichaelNovember 27, 2008
How did you know Jaxon?
Hey Son, You have been on my mind alot lately. I am thankful for our time together on this earth. I look forward to our time together in the millenium. I am not sure how you measure time where you are, I just know it is flying by here. See you soon, Love Dad
lauraNovember 12, 2008
How did you know Jaxon?
i heard it snowed over a foot last in the valley....i imagine it was one of those peaceful snowfalls that continues all night, silently, not really making its debut until we wake up and are filled with wonder and warmth for God's beautiful gifts. I wish we were there together to play in the snow....but finally, I feel like there's peace in my memory of you. I love you so much.
BrittanyNovember 10, 2008
How did you know Jaxon?
Just thinking of you and wanted to say hi. Miss you!
Darcy LoganOctober 31, 2008
How did you know Jaxon?
Last week I had a dream about Jaxon. I have only had two dreams about Jaxon and they both have been so sweet. In the dream I was in our living room and all of our children and grandchildren were there - Dustin, Melinda with Xander and Jacob, Jeff and Cortney with Tyler,Blaze, Cole and Kennedy and Chauri and Ryan. Across the room I saw Jaxon. His back was to me, but I knew it was him. I wondered if anyone else saw him. I got up and went over to him. He turned around and put his arms around me and gave me a wonderful hug. I remember how peaceful I felt and there was just a sense of happiness. And then he was gone. I have thought a lot about the dream. Our happiness is so much about family. It is not surprising that he comes to mind so often when we are all together - laughing, sharing - just being together as a family. It was meaningful to me that the dream included his brother and sisters, brothers and sister-in-laws, niece and nephews and that the dream took place at home. There are many memories of holidays, birthdays, Sunday dinners, and just being together. It all matters - Families matter.
maryOctober 26, 2008
How did you know Jaxon?
Kenny's mom
Hi Jaxon, I had dinner with Chauri, Ryan, and your mom and dad a week ago. They are wonderful people. Chauri and Ryan were over yesterday. I think of you often and believe you are watching over my family as well as so many families.
Adam AmesOctober 26, 2008
How did you know Jaxon?
I didn't
I just today heard your story as I was in a meeting with your dad. Thank you for sharing Jaxon's story. Jaxon, thank you for the goodness of your life.
Adam Ames
JustinOctober 19, 2008
How did you know Jaxon?
The first date I had with my wife was to the hockey game, the night Jaxon was killed. I didn't know him, but I always remember him because of that night. My wife and I lost our first daughter, and I think about her all the time. I for some reason always think about Jaxon's parents, and from someone who has lost a child as well, you'll see him again!! That's the greatest thing ever!
MichaelOctober 19, 2008
How did you know Jaxon?
Just Thinking of you. A light snowfall on the ground. Snow is something that brings good thoughts of you. Hope all is well. We are doing good and staying close to family and friends. Dad
SaraOctober 13, 2008
How did you know Jaxon?
Just wanted to say hi... Love ya!
CortneySeptember 28, 2008
How did you know Jaxon?
Hey Jax...I love coming here and reading and looking at picture. I just wanted to say thanks for the hug. I needed it. I think about you all the time and knowing that we will get to see each other in heaven keeps me going. I love and miss you. Cortney
JenniferSeptember 18, 2008
How did you know Jaxon?
My sweet lil' cuz @}-------
I only wish that I could have spent more time with you to watch you become the handsome, successful, fun loving man that you grew up to be.
I remember the little Jax that the girls (Courtney & Chauri) and I liked to play dress up with... well we pretty much just got a kick out of dressing YOU up! Haha
When I saw that picture of us, (you all "girlied" out) I about died! Oh the memories! Haha
As I scroll through the family pics., I can't help but feel saddened by the thought of not being there for so many important moments in you and your family's lives.
Although, I always did look forward to our family gatherings... you know, Christmas, Thanksgiving, and Easter!
I miss being little and hunting for eggs at your house. We would all go nuts looking for the eggs with the money in them! $5 was a lot to little kids back then huh? Haha
Thanksgivings were great as well. I remember how we would go around the room and everyone would say what they were thankful for. Everyone always said how thankful they were for their families... rightfully so. ;)
Christmas was probably my favorite. Remember how we would all sing Christmas carols together. It was so warm and loving... we were all so close around the Holidays. I miss that.
Then we would have the Chinese Auction. That was a blast! Some of those �gag gifts� were too funny.
I remember those things most about our family gatherings.
I also remember coming to stay the night with Courtney a lot and even though you weren't very much younger than me, I always pretended like you were my baby and I would try carrying you around everywhere! POOR KID! Do you remember that?! I practically smothered you! You were just the cutest little boy. :)
Then you grew up into such a handsome young man! For me, it happened SOOOO fast.
I think about you a lot Jax, I know you know that. I guess it just feels good "writing" it down for once, in a place just for you.
You have inspired so many, including myself, in ways only you now know.
I love you little cousin, and I look forward to that day when I finally get to know the man that you have become.
With all my Love,
Your �Smothering� Cousin ;p
jakeSeptember 15, 2008
How did you know Jaxon?
best friend
love ya bro rock on!!!!
Emily BollingSeptember 13, 2008
How did you know Jaxon?
We were classmates since kindergarden!
Jaxon, you were in my dream last night. You seemed so real but you looked different then you did in high school. You had a beard that looked like you hadn't shaved in weeks... In my dream we were in a big lecture hall in high school with so many people we went to school with over the years; Adi, Charlie Bentie, Jessica Loyer... I can't think of anyone else. But we were instructed to give a speech about high school and one important thing or person that we remembered. It was your turn and you went up to the front of the class and started speaking about Tylan. It was weird because it was as if you and Tylan had switched places. It was these unspoken words that Tylan had passed away and you were remembering your close friendship with him, without saying his name... we just all knew. I immediately started crying in my dream thinking about how you had lost a friend. After you finished I ran up to you in class and threw my arms around you just sobbing. You said to me, "Emily what's wrong?" I couldn't get the words out and just hugged you. You knew why I was crying but you were being strong. Finally, you let me go but I couldn't stop crying. I looked over and Adi was sitting there and said "I couldn't stop crying either." Then, I woke up from my dream and felt that my face was moist with tears. Immediately, I came online and searched for your name on google and found this website. I had to write this dream down and share it because it touched me so deeply and is still bringing tears to my eyes now. I think a part of me feels guilty because I wasn't able to make it to your funeral. I was in NY at the time going to school but I couldn't get home for it. A part of me just feels like I never got to say goodbye and this feeling comes over me every now and then when I think about you. So I guess this dream finally made me come on here and say hi to you and share this experience I had. I miss you very much and just know your spirit lives on in many of us even those you would least expect. I love you.
darcyAugust 29, 2008
How did you know Jaxon?
Hey Jax - I come here often - just to look at your pictures. I read and reread your "Jaxon Kent Logan, Who am I" story. I have learned a lot about you from that paper. And every time I make zucchini anything - I have to smile. It brings to memory the many funny discussions we had about the value of zucchini. I am so grateful for so many funny, wonderful, amazing memories. You are missed and your name always brings a warm feeling. Just know that your mom loves you and I am thinking about you tonight. Love mom
SaraAugust 10, 2008
How did you know Jaxon?
I am so grateful for the little things that cross my path, the things that remind me of you and bring thoughts of you to mind... I cherish those small moments... thanks for everything Jax. Rock on!
lady hAugust 5, 2008
How did you know Jaxon?
I will never forget. miss ya, smiles. :)
LindiJuly 12, 2008
How did you know Jaxon?
Hey Jax, just thinking of you, I love and miss you so much.
MollyJo MeadJuly 3, 2008
How did you know Jaxon?
hey Jaxon, just thinking of you buddy miss you, Rock On!!!
AnonymousJune 18, 2008
How did you know Jaxon?
I think I saw you in my dream last night Jax, it was incredible or maybe it was just I felt like you were there encouraging me telling me that everything will be okay and work out and to keep having faith in our heavenly father to guide me and show me the way through any doubts and fears. You were always an incredible comfort to me though I don't think you knew it. Thank you for helping me remember my faith and to trust that everything will work out in the end for the best. Can't wait for the day that I get to see that smile of yours again!
maryJune 12, 2008
How did you know Jaxon?
friend of family
Jaxon, I'm thinking of you and your family
annonymousMay 31, 2008
How did you know Jaxon?
through a friend
I feel a little out of place here because I never knew Jaxon at all. However, I met someone from Palmer who actually went to high school and wrestled and sang with him. He told me about Jaxon, and I felt bad because I had no recollection of ever hearing anything about a BYU hockey player dying (I'm from the Orem/Provo area).
It's late at night, and I decided to do a little research, find out a little more what happened. My honest and sincere prayers go out to him and his family. I know it's been 3 years, but I hope my prayers can still help.
SaraMay 24, 2008
How did you know Jaxon?
Hey Jax, I've been thinking about you a lot lately. Someone asked me the other day if I was scared of death, I told them "definately not." While I'm not eager to rush into it, I'm not scared of it either. It will be a great day when I can give you a hug and look you in the eyes once again... Thank you for everything you have done for me in my life, mainly given me the motivation to live every moment and make the best out of everything, you are truly an inspiration. Love you buddy...
DARCYMay 14, 2008
How did you know Jaxon?
Happy Birthday Jaxon. Today we celebrate your 22nd birthday and little Jacob Jaxon's 1st birthday. Jacob is the neatest little kid. He is almost walking. He reminds me of his daddy, Dustin, when he was a little boy. He has brought so much joy to our lives. I sense something very special about him. Maybe it is that he was born on your birthday; maybe it is that I felt your presence when he came into this world; maybe it is because I had a dream about you with Jacob before he was born; and maybe it is because he shares your name. As I reflect upon your birth Jax, you brought that same joy into our lives. I knew you in my heart before you came. We hope your day is filled with happiness - and what more can you expect from heaven? Your dad and I love you. Happy Birthday son. Love mom
SaraMay 14, 2008
How did you know Jaxon?
Hey Jax, just wanted to wish you a very happy birthday! We are all getting older! haha. You know it's true, all the coolest people have birthdays in May!! Love ya, thanks for everything...
CortneyMay 14, 2008
How did you know Jaxon?
big sister
Hey Jax,
I just wanted to wish you a happy birthday. I'm always thinking about you, but lately you've been on my mind a whole lot more. I sit here wondering what it's like for you now. Today we celebrate the day you entered our lives, and I remember it well. I wish you were physically here so I could give you a hug. I love you buddy. I can't wait to see you again. Happy Birthday!
laurMay 12, 2008
How did you know Jaxon?
its been such a long time. don't think you aren't in my thoughts all the time.
i had a dream about you night before last. i can't believe i'm still having them...haha. i take it as a gift from you ...it's so surreal but it really does make me happy. i love you and i miss you sooooo much.
JaxonMay 4, 2008
How did you know Jaxon?
Hey Jax, I just got back from a vacation even you would be proud of. Totally spur of the moment, crazy, and tons and tons of fun. That's what life is all about! I love remembering how you squeezed every ounce of life out of every moment. I vowed that I would do the same. I feel that I'm finally learning how to do it, and it's great! Thanks for everything you've taught me, love you lots!
patApril 30, 2008
How did you know Jaxon?
valley hockey days
hey jackson,been along time but i came across your page and scrolled through those old MAHA hockey pics, those were some fun days. It was a pleasure playing puck with you as a kid and against you during our high school days. I just played in a weekend hockey tournament and was thinking about you. you were a great player and a great team mate.
to your family, god bless you all and you had a wonderful son
Crispin GentryApril 28, 2008
How did you know Jaxon?
High school friend
Jaxon, I was in Iraq when I heard about your passing. I had always wanted to pass along my feelings and just today came across this site. You were a heck of a kid when I knew you in high school, a true pleasure and joy to be around and watch with other people. I know you were growing into a great man of the same stature.
To Jaxon's family... I know they come late, but know that you always were and still are in my thoughts. Jaxon was a person that touched more lives than anyone here in this life will ever know.
God bless you all!
DarcyApril 25, 2008
How did you know Jaxon?
Tonight we had Amber's bridal shower. I just sometimes sense Jaxon, that you are very much a part of your friend's lives and that it makes you happy to see them making good decisions. I know you want the best for them. Your influence is still felt so strongly - and I imagine it will be for a life time - at least in my life it will be. Hope your day in eternity was good. Missing you. Love mom
LindseyApril 21, 2008
How did you know Jaxon?
BYU friend
I have been thinking about you. Just wanted to say HI and I miss the way you smell!
Darcy LoganApril 13, 2008
How did you know Jaxon?
Hey Jax - tonight we attended Kelsy's Eagle Court of Honor. At the conclusion, they had a guest - a beautiful bald eagle. As the trainer brought her out of the cage, she spread her wings and it was so beautiful. I thought of you and the inscription that is below the majestic eagle that guards your special spot - "I will bear him up as on eagles wings; and he shall begat glory and honor unto himself and unto my name." You definitely have done that. I know the Lord has lifted you up - as on eagles wings and you have brought honor to yourself, to us, and to your Heavenly Father and to the Savior. It was so good to see Dustin and Jake in the Eagle circle. Just thought I would share that. Love mom
DarcyApril 3, 2008
How did you know Jaxon?
Jax- Up by my desk I have pictures of all of my kids and grandkids. I update the pictures of your niece and nephews as they grow taller and older. Your pictures stay the same. In my mind you will always be 18, yet in my heart I know that you are growing and changing. There have been times that I have sensed the wisdom and growth you have gained through whatever activities you are about. I am so grateful for this understanding. It is a blessing in my life. I appreciate the life you lived while with us and the life you are now living until we all reunite. Eternal progression is a reality. I love you son. love mom
JeffMarch 26, 2008
How did you know Jaxon?
brother and friend
Hey buddy. it's been far too long since I've actually put anything down on here but memories of you come and go frequently. It feels like a lifetime ago that things were different and it's hard for me to believe it's only been a few years. Time has softened the pain for some but I know not everyone is healed and the pain still has some sharp edges left. I love browsing through pictures of some of the good times we had. It's so bitter sweet. I know that you are up to great things and are with us in spirit. It's real. I can feel it. I'm thankful for you and for the inspiration you've provided me. You've truly helped me get through hard times and motivated me to be a better person. Plus, I know I've got a beating due from you and Jake still so I'm trying to watch myself. I love you brother.
SaraMarch 25, 2008
How did you know Jaxon?
You have been on my mind a lot and I get the feeling both of us ready for great things to happen. I'm working on it buddy... I'm trying to make us proud...
sydneyMarch 21, 2008
How did you know Jaxon?
high school friends
Hi Jax buddy,
I miss you! I read your page often and it still amazes me what an impact one person could have on soooo many people! The world misses you...Love you so much
ChauriMarch 19, 2008
How did you know Jaxon?
Jax...I miss you tons. Love you
someone thanks youMarch 18, 2008
How did you know Jaxon?
a friend
Thanks for saving my little girls life Jaxon, here is what I read in her blog and I know it was you....I remember a time sitting at a funeral and realizing i can�t leave yet. a boy who wouldn�t have looked twice at a girl like me saved my life, just by living and then dying.
JacobMarch 17, 2008
How did you know Jaxon?
best friend
love ya bro rock on !!!
sydneyMarch 8, 2008
How did you know Jaxon?
highschool friends
Hey Jax..it's your buddy Syd. I just wanted to tell you that you are in my thoughts often. I love you
DarcyMarch 7, 2008
How did you know Jaxon?
Time passes and life changes. There is one thing that will never change though - our love for you, the wonderful memories, and the hope for our future together as a family. I come to the site often just to see your cute pictures, your smile....that makes me smile, and to reflect on life. I love the messages that are left. It is a reminder that our legacy can last a long time. Just a little note Jaxon to say how much your dad and I love you. Enjoy heaven. Love mom
Dean LaubscherFebruary 25, 2008
How did you know Jaxon?
Met JAX dad in 2005 @ Aces office
In March of 2006 my family and I left Alaska for good and moved to upstate NY.
My 14 yr old son Erik plays Bantam hockey and has since he was 5 yrs old beginning in AK. Last week while he was playing in a game and I was up close to the glass I saw the ROCK ON #11 sticker on Eriks helmet and it made me think of Jaxson and your family. I thought I'd see if this memorial page was still accessable. Viewing your photos of Jaxon and your family is very much like viewing pictures of my own family while in AK. I even have an exact picture of my son Erik at the Eagle River rink very similar to the one of Jaxon on the ice in front of the two round windows. I just wanted to let you know how much Jaxon without even knowing him has profoundly impacted my own family, and how I value every day I get to spend with them. Rock on Jax! You are in our hearts.
CassieFebruary 22, 2008
How did you know Jaxon?
Jax.. I miss you. Things are good here just miss you. I was looking at the site of all the pictures,, there are some fun ones of you and I. :) I want you know how much you impacted my life.. Thank you and I know you are having the "time of your life." I love you Jax. Much love, Cass
DarcyFebruary 15, 2008
How did you know Jaxon?
I didn't forget you on Valentines - thoughts of you crossed my mind many times.....Just want you to know we love you......always and forever. Mom
FrankJanuary 27, 2008
How did you know Jaxon?
I don't know how many times I have wrote something in this box then erased it. I check this sight often and read what everybody has to say. I just wanted to let everyone know that I think of Jaxon and the Logan family a lot and always talk about the time I got to spend with you guys when I came out there. I tell everyone about how amazing Alaska was and how much I want to go back. I still even have some salmon that we caught. I hope that everyone is doing well and that my thoughts and prayers were with you last monday.
Becky FishJanuary 24, 2008
How did you know Jaxon?
thru the family
Jaxon, Brian & I spend alot of time at the Palmer rink for our kids and we pass your memorial shadow box everyday! I often see young kids staring at your picture or reading the articles. They always leave with a smile on thier face. I have seen your family at the rink and your little nephews are adorable. Thanks for the inspiration and the values that I have learned from you....Becky Fish
DarcyJanuary 22, 2008
How did you know Jaxon?
Ken, Mary and Kenny - The flowers arrived today and they are beautiful. Thank you so very much. With love and friendship ~ Michael and Darcy
JacobJanuary 22, 2008
How did you know Jaxon?
best friend
love ya bro rock on!!!!!