DarcyJanuary 21, 2008
How did you know Jaxon?
Hi Jaxon ~ As I thought about this date I kept thinking about how I wanted to spend the day. I thought - how would Jaxon like me to spend it? I heard you say in my mind..."Mom, you work too much. Do something you really enjoy doing." And I really think if I could talk to you face to face...that is exactly what you would have said. So, that is what I did. I didn't work - (well - just a little work) and I did something I like to do - which included thinking about you and talking about you with everyone that called to offer their love and support. Yesterday, in the morning I pulled out the huge memorial book I put together. I spent 2 hours just reading all of the beautiful letters we received, the news articles, and cards. I felt such a feeling of gratitude that I could be your mom. I felt deeply grateful for the love and kindness that we experienced at that time and continue to from so many wonderful, thoughtful people. I will treasure the letters and cards for as long as I live. They will be a constant reminder of the goodness of people and the life of my son. Tears came but so did a feeling of tremendous comfort. And that is how I have felt this day - a quietness - a sense of peace - an understanding that has come with time. Tonight we (Dad, Dustin, Melinda, xander and Jacob) went to the cemetary. As we pulled up - there is the blanket of white snow with one little shoveled path from the road to your special site ~ no other paths in the cemetary - just the one to yours - and a bouquet of flowers laying on the bench. It touched my heart. We brought a new turtle which we put by your monument. It is one that Grandma Barrera gave to me. We left an X and O for you in the snow. I also received a beautiful bracelet from my wonderful friend Kathy and her son Jake - it is tiny baby turtles. I love it. Little reminders of love, friendship and connecting. I love you Jaxon. Love mom
Thanks to all of you for your special messages.
Ronna OlsenJanuary 21, 2008
How did you know Jaxon?
His Aunt
Hi Jaxon,
We miss you so much and think of you daily. You touched so many people in your lifetime and I know you are doing great work in heaven. I pulled into a hotel in Soldotna behind a school bus full of hockey players from the valley,they all wear number 11 in your memory. I remember watching your Mom help you get ready for hockey practice with all your gear (you were really little) it is a fun memory. Love you Jax, miss you! Love Aunt Ronna & Uncle Greg
maryJanuary 21, 2008
How did you know Jaxon?
friend of family
My thoughts are with you and your family! Sara gave me #11 stickers for helmets and so many players are wearing your number in honor of you and your family.
SaraJanuary 21, 2008
How did you know Jaxon?
Love ya Jax... always will!
Aunt Tammy BellvilleJanuary 21, 2008
How did you know Jaxon?
His Aunt
Hi Jaxon (and his family, friends, and loved ones who read this)...It has been three long and short years since you left us to start your work in Heaven. I will always remember the two Thanksgivings we spent with you, one here in Colorado and then in Utah at Grandma's. You were so excited to go to the Colorado Avalanche hockey game, and we enjoyed many wonderful memories from that year. Then, Thanksgiving in Utah the next year, as we went around the table telling what we were thankful for, I remember your sweet spirit and testimony. We played games, ate rice krispie treats and fudge, and shared more wonderful memories. You've touched many lives, and continue to do a very important work, both here and in Heaven. Thanks for the wonderful young man that you were.
Love, Aunt Tammy and Uncle Guy
Grandma & Grandpa BarreraJanuary 21, 2008
How did you know Jaxon?
Our Wonderful grandson
Dear Jax..I miss you! I think about the last time I saw you was on my birthday three years ago, when you and Chauri came up from the "Y" with a birthday cake for me and we had a little party together. Oh, how I wish I had hugged you hard when you guys left. Little did I realize that I would not see you again. A month later on Jan. 21, just after we had arrived in Hawaii, we received the phone call of your accident in Provo. The next few days, arranging to get to Alaska to be with your family and for your funeral, is hard to think about now. But, thanks to Heavenly Father's comfort, we have all made it this far. And, we are continually comforted to now that "Families can be together forever", and we WILL be with you again. Keep up the good work!
Now a note to your parents, Mike and Darcy, and your brother and sisters. We want you to know that our thoughts, love and prayers are with you on this third anniverary. We are very proud of all of you.
Grandma & Grandpa B .
CortneyJanuary 16, 2008
How did you know Jaxon?
Big Sister
Hey Jax
I was at the gym this morning with a personal trainer, he was teaching me how to lift free weights. As I was lifting and watching my form, I could see you in my reflection. I miss you and I think about you every day. I can't believe that we are going on 3 years without your physical presence.
jakeJanuary 16, 2008
How did you know Jaxon?
best friend
love ya man thanks for every thing
jakeJanuary 16, 2008
How did you know Jaxon?
best friend
love ya man thanks for every thing
MichaelJanuary 14, 2008
How did you know Jaxon?
Hey Jaxon, Just a quick note. I have been to watch Palmer Hockey and they are on track for a pretty good season. It is fun to be back at the rink. I know how much you loved it. Dad
maryDecember 29, 2007
How did you know Jaxon?
Jaxon, my thoughts are with you and your family!
Darcy LoganDecember 26, 2007
How did you know Jaxon?
Merry Christmas Jax-man. Hope your day was wonderful. Love mom
SaraDecember 25, 2007
How did you know Jaxon?
Merry Christmas Jax! We got 6 inches of powder, but then again you know that... It's been awesome here!
DarcyNovember 26, 2007
How did you know Jaxon?
Hey Jax ~ We had a wonderful time together as a family for Thanksgiving. As I have thought about my many blessings, you were on my mind a lot. How grateful I am that I am your mother....that I had the chance to bring you to this world....to love you...to teach you and to learn from you. All of our lives are different because of your birth, life and death. How grateful I am to know that your death does not mean a forever parting...just a momentary good bye. I so often wish it was only "momentary" - yet, I know in my heart that in the eternal scheme of things - that is what it will be. I am so grateful for children and grandchildren who bring so much joy to our lives. I know in my heart - in a very silent, peaceful way, that you are a part of each of their lives and I am so thankful for that. Jaxon, we all love you so very much. Your actual presence is deeply missed, yet we all know that you are and can be with us ~ as the time is right and needed. This time of year is special because it was the last memories we have of our family all together - so Christmas brings with it a little sadness, yet a lot of hope and love. We love you Jaxon...enjoy the Christmas spirit of love, happiness, hope and light. Love mom
Adi MaeNovember 21, 2007
How did you know Jaxon?
I woke up this morning, and you instantly came to mind. Some fun memories popped into my head, and I knew Today would be a good day. Tara and Bryce come to visit tonight, Bryce will be bummed that its been so warm and there is no snow. We had planned to take the new machines out to the cabins. Doesn't look like its going to happen this year. Tara just wants to stay home forever and never go back to Cali. :) I told her I would trade her places.
Sarah & Lee had their baby, Im sure you gave her sweet kisses before she left. Such a sweet little girl.
Thank you so much for helping me when I feel lost, I am so thankful that the Lord allows me to feel your presence, it is such an amazing blessing.
All my love, until we meet again.
Adi Mae
SaraNovember 15, 2007
How did you know Jaxon?
Jax, you are joined by another wonderful man again this morning. I know he loves you dearly and I'm sure you both were excited to see each other. Know that we miss you both... love you both.
Darcy LoganNovember 15, 2007
How did you know Jaxon?
Mary and Kenny - I am sure Jaxon doesn't mind if we use his website to connect with each other - in fact, I am sure he is happy about it. I will email Chauri with Kenny's phone number. She will love to see all of you. I am not sure when we are coming to Colorado - probably next summer to help them, as they will be building a new home. We will for sure plan to see you then. Please rememer Kenny - that you always have a home in Alaska anytime you want to return. With friendship, Darcy
Kenny StrineNovember 13, 2007
How did you know Jaxon?
Wow,I can't believe that Chauri moved to Wellington. I have some friends up there and it is only twenty minutes away. I would love to see you guys. My number is 720-284-1253. Please contact me. I am up all the time. I miss you all, I still think about Jaxon every day. It would be great to hear from you. Rock on!
maryNovember 13, 2007
How did you know Jaxon?
Kenny's Mom
Darcy, I'm so happy I could be of help. Kenny lives only 20 minutes from Fort Collins. Ken and I live about an hour away. I've been keeping up with your growing family through Jaxon's web page. This is such a wonderful tribute to Jaxon. Chauri and her husband are always welcomed here and I'm sure Kenny would love to see her. Congratulations to you and Mike on all the recent family celebrations! I find myself looking at our Album and memories of Alaska especially around this time. Thank you for being so kind to all of us!
DarcyNovember 12, 2007
How did you know Jaxon?
Mary, thanks for helping us get to Nathan website. Mike and I sat down together and read all of the entries written about Nathan. It was hard, yet we really wanted to connect in some way with the family. It brings back memories for both of us. Thank you so very much for your love you have continued to extend to us. I wanted to let you know that Chauri was married in June and now lives in Wellington, just north of Fort Collins. I don't remember exactly where you are at, but she would love to see you and Kenny if you are not too far away. Mike and I will let you know when we will be in Colorado to visit and if we can get together - that would be wonderful. I was going through pictures over the weekend and came across the little photo album of the boys - Ken, Kenny and Frank - fishing with Mike and Chauri. It made me smile. I hope your family is doing well. With friendship,
MaryNovember 11, 2007
How did you know Jaxon?
Kenny's mom
Darcy,I read the article Brent sent. If you just click on the blue, it will not get you to the website. If you highlight the entire URL plus the numbers in black and copy it and then paste, you will be able to read about this horrible accident. The hockey player was only 22 years old. It was very difficult to read.
MaryNovember 11, 2007
How did you know Jaxon?
Kenny's Mom
As the holidays draw closer, my thoughts are with you and your family. As I read all the messages from your mom, I see how much you are remembered and loved as your family grows larger and changes. You have changed so many lives and although I never met you, I will continue to keep your memory alive. Darcy, I think about you a lot and am grateful for the time you shared memories of Jaxon. I remember the photo album you made him for his freshman year at college. You are an exceptional woman and mom!
DarcyNovember 7, 2007
How did you know Jaxon?
Hi Brent ~ thanks for your message. I went to the site Fox News, but could not find the news article. We are interested in reading. Could you please send us the site again - just to make sure I am typing it correctly. Thanks for taking the time to write on Jaxon's page. That ice rink will always be meaningful to us. Good luck with this hockey season. Where did you serve a mission? Darcy
billy roseOctober 28, 2007
How did you know Jaxon?
hey aj, i am coming home next weekend and i cant wait to go see you... and the family of course! i cant believe its already winter... its still warm in cali but i am sure i will freeze myself to death at home, dont worry you will still hear me complaining about the cold air :) i miss you so much and love you even more, thank you for still being with me.
Brent TaylorOctober 28, 2007
How did you know Jaxon?
I only knew OF him
I don't know if I ever met Jaxon or not. I play at the rink fairly often and knew a lot of icecat players from that time, though I was never on the team. I didn't know him personally though I might have met him and played with him.
I just wanted to share my condolences with your family. I read about his passing just a day or two before I entered the MTC. I remember him whenever I go to the rink and see his jersey in the rafters. I'm a goaltender, so it's my job to get hit with the puck. I wouldn't say that what happened to Jaxon has caused me to fear when I play, but when I think of it, I'm reminded that any day could be my last, and I think that's a healthy thing to remember now and again. So that's a real service.
I was reminded of his passing when I read a similar article published recently. It may be of interest to you. If you'd rather not read of it, my apologies, but I thought you might like to contact their family or something. I don't know. http://www.foxnews.com/story/0,2933,305679,00.html
All the best to your family. Thanks for raising such a good man. I'm sure that Jaxon's mission is going very well.
.October 27, 2007
How did you know Jaxon?
Hey buddy, I've been thinking about you alot lately. Just want you to know I miss you.
SaraOctober 12, 2007
How did you know Jaxon?
Hey Buddy, so we are out in New York and things are going really well so far. I have seen many 11 stickers skating around on all the different rinks and on all the different teams. It warms my heart to know that you are still remembered and honored by so many..... Keep skating strong, Jax. I'll see you soon and we can smell the ice together again. Love ya buddy, thanks for everything!
sydneyOctober 9, 2007
How did you know Jaxon?
highschool friends
Hi Buddy..Just thinking of you alot today for some reason..I got the chance to go home thid summer and see Laura and some of our other highschool friends..We all miss you Jax..Love you and I will be talking to you soon..Syd
darcyOctober 8, 2007
How did you know Jaxon?
Hey Jax-man, It is true...winter and snow always brings thoughts of you in your yellow jacket riding your snow machine faster than moms like to see their sons ride. And hockey is in season...which always brings thoughts of you. We went to the ice rink last week in Palmer and dusted the inside of your memorial case. I read the article, "It is a matter of heart...." and again thought about how much you are loved by so many. But to tell you the truth, I also think of you in the spring because although you did not like doing gardening, you always were so happy that I planted flowers to make the yard look beautiful. I planted a special garden just for you. It has a couple of really neat turtles that hide among the plants. In fact, whenever I find a neat, cool turtle, I get it to add to your collection. so, it is really growing. I have them all over - outside and inside the house and a few that decorate your special resting place. Kathy gave me a big turtle that just sits under the bench, watching over you. When I am outside I always think of you - because you seemed the happiest when you were outside doing something. I think of you in the summer because you loved to fish with your dad and brother and Jake. I think of you in the fall, because you loved to hunt and your dad will never forget your last hunt together. Dustin and your dad went this year together and Dustin got a huge caribou. I know you are happy and so am I, that they have each other. So, it seems son, that almost everything brings memories of you, which is wonderful.....your friends who still come and see us, seasons of the year, holidays, gardens, snow, family gatherings...you are always just a thought away. We love you so very much. And we appreciate so very much the continued love and support of so many people. Love your mom
winterOctober 8, 2007
How did you know Jaxon?
he was my "brother"
jaxon, i miss you so much. i often think of you. i was outside last night and i looked into the stars and thiught of my nimber 11! i came to my computer and know here i am writing this!! i miss you and love you!! rock on jax!!
with all my love,
Winter Beaudry
AdiOctober 8, 2007
How did you know Jaxon?
The year is almost over, and I don't know where the days have gone. I find myself thinking about you more that winter is closing in on us. I had so much fun with you in the snow, I didn't make snow angels last winter because you weren't there to make them with. I promise to make them this year.
I miss you everyday. I love that your family is so close to mine, that I can walk next door and feel your presence stronger than ever. I wish I did it more, its so hard knowing you wont be there though. Thanks for the loving guidance you have given me, the reassurance that everything will be ok, and the understanding of what is yet to come.
I love you Jaxers.
SaraOctober 7, 2007
How did you know Jaxon?
Hey buddy, I walked outside the other morning and it was almost 70 degrees! It was definately our "warm before the storm." You instantly came to mind. I remember us taking about that... we always felt like such expert weather forcasters! Sure enough, it's been storming for two days and there is snow all thew ay down to the benches!! Love ya buddy.... thanks for everything.
Rachel Parrish-AndersenSeptember 22, 2007
How did you know Jaxon?
Friend (Met on I-15)
Well, I'm glad to see that friends and family are still posting here. I was just sitting at work bored and I out of the blue I thought of Jaxon.. I honestly haven't thought of him for a while, and even though I only had a few months to get to know him I feel he has become an eternal friend. Hope that everyone is doing well!
Lindi LehnhausenSeptember 20, 2007
How did you know Jaxon?
Hey Jaxon, I have been thinking about you a lot lately. I miss you so much and want you to know how much you have touched my life and still continue to every day. I know you are watching over me and I try not to disappoint you. I can't wait to see you again. I'll always love you.
BrittanySeptember 19, 2007
How did you know Jaxon?
Ryan just got home and it makes me think of our little group we had freshman year and how much I miss it! I miss you so much! Thanks for your example! I love you!
SaraSeptember 18, 2007
How did you know Jaxon?
Hey Jax - thinking about you, as always. You know the updates... Love ya tons. Thanks for everything!!
Ryan W Newton September 11, 2007
How did you know Jaxon?
byu hockey
well where should i start jaxon? its been a very long time since i have written on this page, a little over two years to be exact. as you know i just got back from my mission, which, by far was the best experience of my whole life. i remember that just before i left i wrote on here saying how nervous and scared i was but that i know it was right. well not long after arriving into the MTC that nervousness, and scaredness soon left me and i dedicated my whole life to the restored gospel, i love it, i live it, and i love preaching it more then anything. its been so hard since ive been back, the few times that i have felt joy in my life since ive been back is at church, or when i would go out with the missionaries back home. i am now back out here in provo, working hard to get into school in the winter, trying to get my skating legs back, and its good being back out here with our old buddies, i cant wait til nate gets back, and jake as well, i really hope he comes out here.
as you know, its hard to put into words the mission experience. there are so many stories, and experiences. i must be honest, there were times in the mission that were hard, but i would often think of our friendships that we had while here our freshman year, and think of how much they helped me get to where i was, and now where i am.
i know that the mission experience that you have been doing for the past 2 and half years has tons of experiences aswell, and i have such a desire to help you from down here, learning about family history has made me want to be a part of that, and help out my family members who you may be preaching to, because without us they may not be perfected, and without them we will not be perfected. youre doing a good work bud, i love you, now that i am out here again, i think of you more often, last night megan and i started talking about the time that you put on all my clothes and then said " look, i am ryan" and the other moments that we had together. i will write more often now, tell ya more about the mission, and on how everyday the Lord put me in the right spot at the right time to find someone else to hear this message. keep up the good work bud, and remember... go get r done! rock on bud!
Riley EdwardsSeptember 9, 2007
How did you know Jaxon?
Icecat Hockey
It has been a while since I have been able to really remember Jaxon. What a great kid! Really hoping that all the Logan's are doing well too. God Bless.
Jeremy and LauraSeptember 8, 2007
How did you know Jaxon?
Family friends
Thinking of you and your family. Thanks for your wonderful example. Lots of love.
AlinaSeptember 6, 2007
How did you know Jaxon?
good friends
You've been on my mind a lot lately. I miss you tons. I miss talkin to you and having our wonderful talks and getting your great advice. I love and miss ya tons! It'll be great to see you again one day. Love ya!
SydneyAugust 31, 2007
How did you know Jaxon?
high school friends
Hi jax buddy..
so the world sure is one small place...I now live in minnesoata as you know..anyways, I was at a big country music festival in Detroiy Lakes Minnesota and Im walking through the crowd of at least 15,000 people and guess who I run smack dab onto? Mike Weber!!! I haven't seen him in over 4 years..we sat down and cried on oneanothers shoulders and talked endlessly about how badly we missed you and your smile. Anyways jaxon..I think about you soo much. I hope your familys doing well..it's a shame I never fot the chance to meet them.I love you and can't wait to get in line for a warm hug from you..youe so loved Im sure there will be quite the line!!
meindaAugust 28, 2007
How did you know Jaxon?
Hi Jaxon. Dustin, the boys and I are all doing well. Xander is growing fast and says the funniest things. He amazes me sometimes with his comments. Xander really knows who you are. He always talks about your snowmachine and how he is going to get a green snowmachine just like Uncle Jaxon. Sometimes he asks to go see you and we have to explain that he will have to wait a while. Jacob is a good baby and I hope that he will learn the significance of his name. You mean a lot to us Jax and we will always love you.
DarcyJuly 31, 2007
How did you know Jaxon?
his mom
I was driving home from the airport tonight after dropping Chauri off to return to Colorado. I often think of Jaxon when I am in the car driving - especially at night. I look at the stars and the heaven and think about where he is and what he is doing. I know it may sound a little silly but I always move everything off the passenger seat, just so that he can ride with me, if he wants. I believe he does often. So, tonight ~ although it was late, I felt like I just wanted to look at his pictures before I went to bed. I read Sara's beautiful comments. It made me heart feel good. There still isn't a day that goes by that I don't think of him often, but there is a sense of peace. I know he is not physically present, yet I know he still lives on and that I will see him again. I know this. Thank you for remembering him. It means a lot. With love to all our friends and family who love Jaxon. Darcy
SaraJuly 23, 2007
How did you know Jaxon?
Hey Jax, It always amazes me how many lives you have touched, and continue to touch, in this world. I was in Las Vegas about a month ago and was working for some hockey showcases. I was standing rinkside and talking to a mother of an injured player, they are from Colorado. In our conversation I refered to you and how it effected me as an Athletic Trainer. She stopped me and verified your story and then made mention of specific details, apparently she was well aware of you, your story and what you stood for. I talked about you and we shared laughter and some tears. She was touched by the further example of you. So my dear, you have effected lives in Boulder, Colorado as well. Your name is something special to many people, not only us that know you.
Tonight I got another request for more of your helmet stickers. I love being able to send them out to people who have been touched by the things that they hear or read about you. I always include a little note about you and what you mean to us. I thank them for joining the thousands of hockey players that wear them and ask them to be driven and motivated by what you and your helmet stickers represent. Just a few days ago I was inspecting all of our team helmets and preparing them for the coming year. I was adding all of the new helmet stickers for the upcoming season and often thought of you as I lovingly smoothed out our "Jaxon" stickers in the lower right hand corner. I thought of Ryan who is coming home in two short days and will be playing with us this season. I know that he will be touched being able to wear your number with him while he plays. I'm excited to have him home, I've missed him, as I'm sure you do... I know we both miss you. I know that you will be there with us as we travel through another season together... that warms my heart and brings a smile to my face.
Love you buddy...
DarcyJune 17, 2007
How did you know Jaxon?
Hey Jax-man, Well, we put Ryan and Chauri on an airplane tonight - heading for Denver to start their new life together. Their wedding was a wonderful beautiful day. I felt at peace because I know Chauri now has someone to be with her. After you left, I know she was so lonely because it had been Dustin & Melinda, Cortney and Jeff, and Chauri and Jaxon...that is how we always "paired" you up. I loved feeling your presence at her wedding. It was a reminder that families are eternal and that we will see each other again. Chauri, Cortney, and Dustin stood together for a picture...and Cortney started to cry...your presence was missed so much. So, they made a space for you between Chauri and Dustin. It just felt right to acknowledge that you are still very much a part of our life and family. I wish you could met Ryan. He is a wonderful young man and I feel that he is an answer to my prayers. He loves Chauri, he honors his priesthood and he will take good care of her. Please be with him when he flys. I love you son. Love mom.
SaraJune 7, 2007
How did you know Jaxon?
It's good to see you and be around you. I've felt you so near lately and I appreciate it so much. I'm glad I could be here and be surrounded by reminders of you... Love you tons buddy, see you soon!
maryJune 4, 2007
How did you know Jaxon?
through family members
I sometimes read about you and your family and add no comments, but you and your family are always in our family's heart and thoughts.
cassie hejlMay 24, 2007
How did you know Jaxon?
Best friend
I miss you so much jaxon. I love you with all my heart. Can't wait till I get to see you again someday.
MollyJo MeadMay 23, 2007
How did you know Jaxon?
Hey Jaxon it's me MollyJo Mead. how are you I know your birthday wass on May 14th but that was an exiting day because Melinda and Dustin had their little baby Jacob Jaxon Logan.so sorry i didn't wright but you were on my mind a lot. I'm not even sure if I'm going to be able to go to Alaska this summer because we have such a crazy shedule but if I get to go and go fishing then I will dedicate the bigest fish i catch to you. oh guess what Mandy is haveing here baby soon too. My parents are going to be their for Chauri's wedding. Well any way HAPPY late BIRTHDAY.
Rock On,
MollyJo Mead
loganMay 21, 2007
How did you know Jaxon?
hey we are best friends little friend
loganMay 21, 2007
How did you know Jaxon?
see him in school used to at least
DarcyMay 14, 2007
How did you know Jaxon?
HI Jaxon - Happy Birthday son. What an amazing day. Your new little nephew arrived today and Dustin and Melinda named him Jacob Jaxon Logan. When the doctor said - It's a boy, we cried. And what a wonderful blessing to have this little boy arrive on your birthday. So, this day will carry with it double joy - your birth and life and the birth and life of baby Jake Jaxon. We recieved flowers, cards and many phones calls in your honor today. And many people have been touched that our lives have been blessed with a new little life in remembrance of you. You will always be remembered Jaxon by so many people. Your dad and mom carry your name forever in our hearts. Hope you had a wonderful day as you viewed the happening. We love you son. Love Dad and Mom
SaraMay 14, 2007
How did you know Jaxon?
Happy B-day Jax! I know these days must seem pretty insignificant to you now - but they still mean a lot to us. This time of the year is a great time to have a birthday. I have always said that the best people have birthdays in May - I'm so glad you could join me in that group! haha This time of the year is so exciting, so many things happening -- summer is starting, school is letting out, everyone is getting ready for vacations and big summer plans... And through it all we still think of you often and miss you even more. Love ya Jax, thanks for everything!
LisaMay 3, 2007
How did you know Jaxon?
through his sacrifice
Jaxon you saved far more souls than anyone really knows. This past week another young man was called home, just barely older than you. I was able to talk about you and your sacrifice. I asked them if they thought that their friend had made a similar sacrifice to save them. It made sense to them, and nowtheir lives will change for the better, more saves because of you Jaxon, more saves. I couldn't have said it, done it, without you.
AdiApril 27, 2007
How did you know Jaxon?
I am headed to Seward for the weekend, for work. I was thinking about our bus ride down there in 8th grade...Tylan, Keith You and Me, it was so fun. How sick was Mr Harris on the cruise!!! I have so many pictures. I love and miss you
sydneyApril 24, 2007
How did you know Jaxon?
Hey Jax..I was just thinking av=bout that incredible smile of yours..you know that one that could light up a dark night? I miss you so much..I could for a famous Jaxon hug..
Adi MaeApril 21, 2007
How did you know Jaxon?
"big sis"
I got to see Chauri yesterday, she seems extatic about getting married. Ryan seems to fit in perfect with the family. I see your family often as I drive to my parents, and still continue to think I'm going to see your car round that corner. Your Dad was just at my office last week, bringing me clean air! The whole time he was there, I was fighting back tears, you are so much like him. Please keep a special eye on Jake, he always looked up to you, and now more than ever he needs special guidance. I'm sure I worry too much about him, thats what sisters are for I suppose. I have a picture of Cole that I took at Tara's wedding, and each time I see it, I see little Jaxon. I love you very much, and am excited for the happy day, when I will get to hug you.
Adi mae
Ben TzouApril 11, 2007
How did you know Jaxon?
From school.
Sorry I never made it to your wake. I just wanted to show some respect, I know you're in a better place now.
ChauriApril 3, 2007
How did you know Jaxon?
His Sis
Well Jax, You are going to have a new brother-in-law. Ryan asked me to marry him! and of course I said yes. The date is set for June 9th. I cant wait because I know that you will be there. He reminds me of you at times. You would have gotten along so great. He loves all the things you love...snow maching, dirt bikes, fishing, hunting...the list goes on. I dont think a day goes by that you dont cross my mind in one way or another. Thanks for all the great memories. I cant wait to be with you again and have you meet Ryan in person. It will be a great reuion. I love you lil bro...
darcyApril 3, 2007
How did you know Jaxon?
Hey Jaxon ~ Chauri is getting married, which I am sure you already know. You would like Ryan and I am sure you are pretty excited that he is a pilot. You can watch over him while he flies. He is a wonderful young man. I just have had this feeling that he was meant to be in our family. He reminds me of you. Chauri once told me that she looks forward to her wedding because she knows you will be there in the temple with us. The veil seems to be more transparent when I am there. And you have a new little niece or nephew soon to arrive, so our family is growing. I sense that you are aware of all of these happening and that our family bond continues. You are an important part of all of this. Life does matter, do does death and so does eternal life. I know this. Good night son. Love mom
SaraMarch 22, 2007
How did you know Jaxon?
Jax, thanks so much, for everything. Until next time...
DarcyMarch 21, 2007
How did you know Jaxon?
Just thinking about you..which I do often. I know that your presence is felt in many people's lives...and your quiet influence for good. I never tire of looking at your pictures - remembering everything I can hold to memory. Some one asked if it was any easier...with time. I don't think so. I believe I am just getting stronger - with a lot of help. You are loved so very much Jaxon. XO mom
MollyJo MeadMarch 21, 2007
How did you know Jaxon?
Hi Jaxon whats up I miss you!I have been thinking of you just wanted to say hi.
love ya lots,
KatieMarch 18, 2007
How did you know Jaxon?
Jake's Mom
I come here often to read and look at the pictures, but seldom write. Just wanted you to know that this past week a had an opportunity to see your new neice, Kennedy Mae. Holding her, I felt your presence so near. As the months have passed there have been very distinctive moments when I have been paralyzed in motion by the remembrance of you. It is at those moments the world seems to stand still and I know you are near and the tears flow freely. You are a constant reminder to me of what a true friend is. Jake could not have had a better friend than you. I know this friendship continues as you serve as his silent companion on his mission. Thank you for continueing to look out for him.
Love ya,
HeatherMarch 18, 2007
How did you know Jaxon?
I had a wave of memories wash over me today of you. They were sudden and unexpected, I was so greatful for them. I miss you and am so happy for the times that we had. I wish I could have gotten to know you more. Thank you for being such a wonderful and gentle soul. I miss you!
SaraMarch 4, 2007
How did you know Jaxon?
Hey Jax, the season is over and now I'll be left to miss sooo many things that I've become acustomed to. One of the things that I cherish is looking at the American Flag during the national anthem and being able to let my eyes wander to your banner. Sometimes I catch myself standing there with my mind being flooded with memories of you. Last night I hugged all my guys and told them how proud I am of them, how much they mean to me, and it made me want to be able to hug you and whisper the same things to you... I am proud of you, I have loved working with you, I am honored to have been taught so much by you, and I can't wait to do it all again - till next time... Love you Jax!
Melinda LoganFebruary 22, 2007
How did you know Jaxon?
Brother in law
Xander sure likes watching your sled neck dvd's. He would rather watch snowmachine movies then cartoons. Everyday he asks to watch those movies. Xander also loves to look at all your pictures on the computer of you jumping the snowmachine in the backyard. He wants to do the same thing and he's only two. It is funny what Xander associates you with. When he sees dancing and hears music or sees snowmachines he says your name. For Xander being so little and not knowing you he sure has a good idea of who you are and what you liked. I was just thinking of you. Take care of all your nieces and nephews for me that have yet to be born. love ya.
DarcyFebruary 20, 2007
How did you know Jaxon?
his mom
Hey Jaxon ~ It was a wonderful experience being with Cortney and Jeff for the birth of their little daughter, Kennedy Mae. As I held her in my arms just after her birth, she grasped her little fingers around mine and I truly felt your presence. I am not sure exactly how the spirit world works, but in my heart I knew you escorted this little child to her earthly parents. I am certain she loved her uncle Jaxon and it must have been a little sad to let her go. We promise to take good care of her while she is here. You are loved and missed so much. Thank you for the special moments. Love Mom
julieFebruary 18, 2007
How did you know Jaxon?
I was the GM of the hockey team
The BYU hockey team still misses you! Those players who didn't know you, know all about you! We keep your memory alive! A lot of the guys on the team don't post on this wall, but they do talk about you and relive old memories they have with you. I know that what happened affected them deeply and many of us deal with it quietly and privately. I hope your family knows that you still affect us all in such a positive way. We all miss you and think about you often.
BrittanyFebruary 16, 2007
How did you know Jaxon?
Hi Jaxy, I just wanted to say hi and that I miss you so much! I found the best pictures of you and made you a poster to hang at the ice rink on the 21st. It was so cold that the tape wouldn't stick and the candles wouldn't light. I was so upset that I started crying. I wanted to do something to honor your amazing life and your amazing spirit. Please know that I love you and miss you so much! You are an amazing example and I cherish every memory I have with you. I love you
LizFebruary 15, 2007
How did you know Jaxon?
friend from BYU
It's been a long time since I've been to the site, but I'm glad I finally did. I think of you and your family a lot. Even though you are physically not with us I know you're still around. I miss you, but I know we'll meet again.
ChauriFebruary 13, 2007
How did you know Jaxon?
his sis
Well Jax we have a new little addition to the family - Kennedy Mae claeson. Born on February 10th. Hopefully she was not so noisy when she was with you. She is beautiful and such a good little girl. Thanks for taking good care of her until she came down here. We love you lots
billy roseFebruary 11, 2007
How did you know Jaxon?
hey kido.... havent been able to get you off my mind the past few days... but you already know that :) i hope your missionary work is going well... i am sure it is... you are such an example here that i cant imagine how much work you are doing in the spirit world... thanks for being with me :) i am so glad to have you as one of my angels... i have really been missing you... you would think with everyday it would get better but i dont think there is a cure for missing jaxon :) thanks for being with courtney and the little one... i cant wait to go see the new family member!!!! well i better get to bed... church comes along fast :) love you with all my heart forever!
xoxo, billy rose
Aunt LauraFebruary 4, 2007
How did you know Jaxon?
Hey Jaxon, Thinking of you today and the love I have for our family. Brendon wears the coat you gave him and remembers all the fun times you spent with him both summer and winter.
Thanks for being an example to my boys and all those around you.
ScottFebruary 3, 2007
How did you know Jaxon?
hockey player
Im sure he's in a better place.He passed doing something he loved to do. He blocked the shot for his team like all hockey players do. unfortunatley he made the ultimate sacrifce for his team. Heart, strenght, honor and courage. Thats what defines Jackson and all hockey players